05set 2015

Gift ~700 curtidas no facebook!

Postado por às em Gifts, Roupas, Roupas - The Sims 2

Já somos 700 sims lovers na página do Facebook!
E eu só tenho a agradecer, por acompanhar meu trabalho e por todo carinho! Obrigada gente!
Eu adoro vocês! E trouxe um presentinho para comemorarmos. êêÊÊêê!!!


Fiz um pack com os três looks, cada um dentro de uma pasta.
Espero que gostem! Beijo grande e vamos rumo aos 800!
1 e 3 Mesh by Klira
2 Mesh by NataliS



10 comentários deixe um →

  1. Adoreeeeeeeeeeeeei ♥

  2. Pegarei tudo, tudoooo. Parabens!!

    • arcticmonkeyzzzI have a problem with this, i’ve done evietyhrng like in this video (and not) and built an apartment, with the shells in the right places and all. but my neighbour’s doors, inside the apartment complex, have the option lock instead of the ring bell you find in Bridgeport Highrise’s and tall buildings. i’ve tried adding doors in those pre made buildings but the same option shows, and the doors that came with, don’t have it. how do i get my neighbour’s doors to have the ring bell option?

  3. Aiwnn que amor ♥

  4. ameii, muito fofo! adoro você menina. vamos a 800 quero que chegue a 1000 logo <3

  5. lindos! adorei!

  6. Muito obrigada, meninas e meninos!!! ♥♥♥

    • ♥♥♥

    • Ugh, I think it’s so retarded that pelope keep asking for kids and pets and stuff. This is an iPod game, they can’t fit the entire Sims 3 game inside of it. Or if they can, it’ll take up all the gigs on your iPod.Though the iPod games aren’t anywhere near the PC versions, I think WA for iTouch was a big leap from the iTouch base game. It has a lot more stuff to do, like the mini-games and puzzles. Definitely not worth the 6 bucks (neither were) but it’s okay.

  7. Vii Gabrielle

    Nat lindaa é vc que faz essas roupas?


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